Water Heater – All You Need to Know Before Buying a Geyser
Know these Solid Facts before buying a Geyser [Water Heater] in 2023 with Intelligence like an Industry Insider
Geyser vs Water Heater? Instant Geyser vs Storage Geyser? Gas Geyser vs electric geyser? Which is best? Confusing, right?
We completely understand that such questions and many, many more such questions can leave you and your family completely confused about the whole geyser and water heater world……
Do you really know how many types of geysers and water heaters there really are out in the market? How do you choose which is the best geyser for your kitchen or generally for your home? How do you shortlist the best geyser with intelligence like an Industry Insider?
Come, let’s take a deep dive so that you can quickly make your shortlisting decision like an industry insider. Read on….
First Things First: Difference between Water Heater and Geyser
Sometimes, the words ‘geyser’ and ‘water heater’ are used interchangeably, though there seems to be a subtle difference as we will see when we compare an Instant Geyser vs Storage Geyser. Basically, it is about an inbuilt tank which stores the water that is being heated for longer durations. As the name implies, instant water heaters heat the water on demand.
Who invented the first geyser or water heater?
An English painter named Benjamin Waddy Maughan is credited with naming his invention after naturally occurring geysers, which, as we know well, stand for the famous Icelandic hot spring. Maughan’s invention in 1868 was basically a very rudimentary version of a domestic water heater that did not use solid fuel.
As far as the naturally occurring variety is concerned, over 300 geysers can be spotted in Wyoming’s Yellowstone National Park, representing nearly two-thirds of all geysers in the world. New Zealand, Chile, Iceland, Siberia, and other locations have geyser hotspots.
Boiler vs Water Heater - What's the Difference?
- Is boiler and water heater the same? Well, using radiant heat and steam, a boiler can be used to heat a house. Water that will be used for cleaning or cooking in the kitchen is generally heated by a water heater or geyser.
- Broadly, depending on the purpose of the use, that is, for home or industrial purpose, boilers can be of two types: Domestic boiler and Commercial boiler.
- Generally, boilers are bigger in size compared to a water heater or geyser, though water heaters and geysers, too, come in various capacities. Boilers can serve multiple purposes: They may be used for heating the house and bringing water to a safe temperature, making them useful for a variety of tasks like cooking, bathing, and washing clothes.
- Depending on what boilers work on, they are of three types: Gas-Fired Boilers, Oil-Fired Boilers, and Electric Boilers.
Types of geyser available on the market
- Well, there are many types of geysers and water heaters available on the market. Each type needs to be understood well separately, on a stand-alone basis, so that once the concept is clear, the differences between various types of geysers and water heaters will also be clear.
- Let’s first rattle off the different names one comes across on the market: Water geyser, Instant Geyser, Storage Geyser, Electric Geyser, and Gas Geyser. Then, there are various types of solar geysers.
- And since virtually everything in our lives today revolves around the Internet of Things or IoT, we have more excellent options to choose from: IOT water heater or IOT enabled water heater and IOT geyser or IOT enabled geyser.
- Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Comparisons between the various types of geyser, thus, assume great significance.
- Unless you really understand the comparisons between the various types of geyser, you are likely to make a mistake in choosing the right type of geyser for you and your family. Without sounding alarming, it is best to understand the comparisons below correctly to avoid such mistakes.
In absolute detail below, we have dealt with the comparisons between the various types of geyser. Read on….
Instant Geyser vs Storage Geyser - What's the Difference?
- An instant geyser or water heater, as is obvious from the name, heats the water almost immediately. However, a storage geyser or water heater generally takes slightly longer to heat the water. The two water heaters’ performance and design, however, differ from one another. They both provide excellent hot water, but serve different purposes, with differing functionality.
- SPACE & PRICE: Instant Water Heater / Instant Geyser: Since Instant Water Heaters or Instant Geysers are compact, they tend to be ideal for households with limited space, and can meet the needs of households with 4-5 family members.
- Since they are compact, an Instant Water Heater or Instant Geyser is mostly cheaper than a Storage Water Heater or Storage Geyser.
- NUMBER OF OUTLETS: Instant Water Heater / Instant Geyser: They have one open outlet that will link to a certain tap. This is useful for homes with just one bathroom. Storage Water Heater or Storage Geyser: These water heaters or geysers can supply hot water to multiple bathrooms in a large household. The hot water supply from a storage water heater or storage geyser can be used simultaneously by multiple outlets.
Gas Geyser vs Electric Geyser - Which is better and Safer?
- Before understanding the difference between Gas Geyser vs Electric Geyser as per various parameters, it is good to know why a Gas Geyser is also called a LPG Gas Geyser. Gas geysers use Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) for heating water, hence the name.
- Gas Geyser Types: Instant gas geyser vs Storage gas geyser | An Instant gas geyser or quick gas geyser is basically tank-less, which means it lacks storage capacity, and relies only on an instant heating system. These are most appropriate for people who don’t need a lot of water at once.
- Storage gas geysers, as the name implies, have storage capacity. Due of their simple structure, they are frequently used by people who have large families and are easy to maintain.
- Electric Geyser Types: Instant electric geyser vs Storage electric geyser | Instant electric geyser is the way to go if you want to take a quick shower and be done with it. They seem like a godsend if you are running late. The good thing is that since they have no storage or water tank, there is no possibility that you would end up wasting hot water or heating water in excess. On the other hand, larger families may consider Storage electric geysers. They save the hot water so that the rest of the family can use it later. You can select a tank with a storage capacity of 10 to 50 litres.
- Gas Geyser vs Electric Geyser – Which is better and Safer? Comparing the two types of geysers on several parameters will provide us a better overall answer to that question. Let’s compare…
- COST OF PRODUCT: An Instant gas geyser tends to be slightly less expensive than an Instant electric geyser, so price comarision may make an instant gas geyser seem more attractive than its electric version.
- TIME CONSUMPTION: Little more for Electric geysers compared to gas geyser; in some cases, a gas geyser may be 3 times faster than an electrical geyser.
- SPACE CONSUMPTION: Only wall-mounting space required for an Electric Geyser. On the other hand, a Gas Geyser requires additional space for the LPG cylinder. Also, proper ventilation is needed in the case of a gas geyser.
- LIFE SPAN: An Electric Geyser requires minimum maintenance and can last 7-10 years. On the other hand, gas heating burners can get damaged frequently in the case of a Gas Geyser.
- INSTALLATION: It is Easy to install an electric geyser; on the other hand, a gas geyser installation can be complicated as additional space is needed for the LPG cylinder as well as for proper ventilation.
- SAFETY & ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: An Electric Geyser is extremely safe; the same cannot be said in the case of a gas geyser. Also, with respect to environmental impact, an electric geyser is better than a gas geyser. Why? There is no direct pollution involved in the case of an electric geyser; but a gas geyser is NOT so safe, as, in case there’s a leak in the gas geyser, it might lead to an explosion, releasing highly toxic carbon monoxide and other toxic gases.
- CLEAR WINNER: If an electric geyser gets damaged, it might at the most lead to a short circuit, which can be fixed easily; but a gas geyser may actually pose an unwanted and dangerous heatlth risk, especially in the case of a leak. Although a gas geyser may be less expensive, they pose a safety risk. On the other side, an electric geyser is pricey, but safer.
- Thus, In our instant electric geyser vs gas geyser comparison, the electric geyser comes out on top, but the STORY DOES NOT END THERE….
So, which should I go for - Electric Geyser or Gas Geyser?
You can really go for either, as long as you are going for the TOP & BEST BRANDS [listed here for your Quick & Easy Shortlisting] available on the market. When comparing a gas geyser vs electric geyser, there is no right or wrong answer. Either option is acceptable, depending on your usage and convenience. Why? Simply because, if you go for ONLY the TOP & BEST BRANDS, both gas and electric geysers are absolutely and highly safe, and accessible and are high on both effectiveness, and energy conservation. Some people make the mistake of buying cheap at the cost of quality. Please don’t do that. Just remember to stick to ONLY the TOP & BEST BRANDS of gas geysers and electric geysers, and you simply cannot go wrong.
Solar Water Heater vs Gas Geyser - Which is better?
Gas Water Heater vs Solar Water Heater – Which should you go for? Let’s find out….

Installation of Solar water heater systems can lead to a lot of saving on your electricity or power bills. Solar geysers only require a one-time investment, after which they will fulfil about 90% of your daily hot water needs.
Types of Solar Water Heater Systems or Solar Geysers
- Two types of solar water heating systems are available: direct or open loop systems, in which potable water is heated directly in the collector; indirect or closed loop systems, in which potable water is heated indirectly by a heat transfer fluid that is heated in the collector and passes through a heat exchanger.
- Which type of solar geyser is best?
- High-pressure solar geysers are the most efficient solar geyser systems to save energy. It may be a more expensive solar geyser product, but it is a great solar investment in the long run. A high-pressure solar geyser is installed on your roof and has tank sizes from 150L to 400L.
Electric Geyser vs Solar Geyser - Which is better?
- Which geyser is best – solar or electric?
- There may be a lot of questions going through your head if you’re thinking of buying a new water heater or geyser or considering about replacing your existing one. You might be feel indecisive about what to buy, given the increasing popularity of solar water heaters. If you’re confused about the differences between electric geyser vs solar water heater, keep reading to get the correct facts to quickly make the right decision…..
Price Factor
No matter which model of Electric Water heater or Electric Geyser you buy, all models available on the market are reasonably priced and budget-friendly. Before making a purchase, you don’t need to give the cost of the particular model much thought as long as the features and advantages it offers satisfy you.
However, purchasing a Solar Water Heater or Solar Geyser is a slightly different ballgame, and you need to think carefully before the purchase. Why? Simply because a Solar Heater or Solar Geyser involves installation and plumbing expenditures, you must pay. Thus, the effective cost of purchasing a solar heater or solar geyser is significantly higher than the cost of purchasing an electric water heater or electric geyser.
Size and Installation Factor
- An Electric Water Heater or Electric Geyser, by construct, has a compact and portable design, no matter what the model’s size is. They take up limited space, making it easier to place them in any nook of your house. Thus, installation of an Electric Water Heater or Electric Geyser in your kitchen or bathroom is relatively hassle-free.
- Solar water heaters are an exception to the rule, though. The installation of a Solar Heater or Solar Water Geyser is slightly challenging due to its bulky size and the presence of multiple heavy components. Accordingly, you have to make adequate space to be able to instal a Solar Water Heater or Solar Water Geyser.
Heating Efficiency
- An Electric Geyser or Electric Water Heater can heat water at any time of the day as they run on electricity. Furthermore, there is no need to wait for the water to heat up, and hot water for your kitchen or bathroom needs can be available in under 5 minutes, no matter which model of Electric Geyser or Electric Water Heater you choose to purchase.
- Solar Geyser or Solar Water Heater, on the other hand, depends on the availability of sunlight or solar energy, even when installed at the highest point of your house or on the terrace.
- A Solar Geyser or Solar Water Heater invariably works better on a sunny day than when the day is cloudy, when the sunlight availability reduces sharply.
- So, you need to keep this extremely important factor in mind before you go for the purchase of a Solar Geyser or Solar Water Heater.
Energy efficiency
- Key Point To Remember: Though you may think that since a Solar Water Heater or Solar Geyser works on sunlight, and hence there is no energy consumption involved, nothing can be farther from the truth. A Solar Water Heater or Solar Geyser installation involves several heavy components that require large space, all of which kind of negates the mere solar energy consumption factor, though a Solar Water Heater or Solar Geyser may be more nature friendly as they run on renewable energy.
- With highly improved technology these days, an Electric Water Heater or Electric Geyser can lead to huge savings on your electricity bills. Look for an electric backup with a Star Rating while purchasing an Electric Water Heater or Electric Geyser. This invariably leads to big energy efficiency.
- While purchasing an Electric Water Heater or Electric Geyser, also look for high-grade eco-friendly PUF insulation that ensures high heat retention and thus reduces your electricity bills.
- Also, Smart Design features in an Electric Water Heater or Electric Geyser like a Standby Power Cut-off help reduce consumption of electricity in a big way, thus enhancing performance and efficiecy, without compromising on quality.
- When talking about how long an Electric Water Heater or Electric Geyser will last, things like the quality of the water and regular maintenance come into play. Their average lifespan is 10 years or more.
- The same holds true for solar water heaters. The lifespan may vary based on the water quality and how frequently you do the maintenance routine.
- The size and brand of your model become important when you take into account the time, effort, and money spent on maintenance costs. Like any other equipment, both types of water heaters or geysers require regular maintenance.
- However, in various climatic conditions, solar-powered equipment might need to be handled with more care. Also, unlike an Electric Water Heater or Electric Geyser, a solar version is exposed to climatic factors that you have no control over. Hence, the cost of maintenance of a solar water heater or geyser may go up substantially.
- The cost of maintenance of a good Star quality Electric Water Heater or Electric Geyser is minimal, and stays more or less constant.